Cincinnati Area Mensa

Mommy Letter
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Cincinnati Area Mensa 2006 RG - The Mommy Letter

Around the World in 80 Somethings
(well actually about 48 hours - you do the math :-) 

December 1-3, 2007

Double Tree Hotel, Sharonville, OH 513-489-3636. $89.95 single-quad

Kemper Road at Reed-Hartmann Hwy. I-275 exit 47. This is the NORTH side of I-275 between I-71 and I-75. The exit ramps put you on Reed Hartmann Highway. Turn INSIDE the beltway. Be in the inner lane to turn left at the first light. Go up around the hill to Kemper Road. Cross through at the
light into the Double tree. Construction is DONE!!!!!!!!!

Bring your checkbook and register for 2007 (November 30 - December 2) for only $45!

Refund Policy: Full refunds will be given with cancellations through 11/17/06. A $30 fee will be charged for cancellations 11/18/06 - 11/30/06. After 11/30/06, no refund will be given for cancellations. There will be no rollovers.

Slice and Dice is Thursday evening. You are welcome to join us! All volunteer slice and dicers are automatic Quality Control Inspectors :-) 

Yes - we are recycling! Bottles, cans, aluminum foil, etc. If in doubt, ask! Scott Avnaim, the recycling god, will probably just say YES!

Nan Harvey will do a program on Astrology and also do individual readings all weekend for $10 each for the Scholarship fund. Well, not ALL weekend.  Nan gets to go play games and attend tournaments and, dare I say it, sleep?  So make an appointment or watch for her with her laptop set up.

Wine tasting - bring a bottle or 80 (just kidding) to share from around the world (or from your favorite local vineyard). Cheese and bread will be provided. Bring your favorite glass.

Rob McDonough will be contacting you to volunteer! That's why we are giving the schedule (as we know it now) so you can better choose your volunteer slot! If you don't sign up when Rob calls, Tim Link will bug you at the RG to fill the volunteer gaps.

Costume Dance - of, about or from your favorite place around the world.  Prizes!

Kids Room (360) - parents are responsible for their kids. If your kids use the kid's room (run by Laura Wild) you are agreeing to spend some real time there with them. The kids room will be closed during meals. The kids room needs to be monitored and cleaned up by the kids and their parents.

Teen Room - The Governor Room on the first floor.  Parents are responsible for their Teens! Parents should check on their teens.

All weekend in the Games Room - help design the Mensa Retirement Community.  Build, draw, and/or write about it.  Build a section yourself or with a team. Materials supplied. Prizes!

Friday in room 362 - Design a country. There will be an explanation with NO rules - because it's YOUR country! Prizes!

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Programs: all subject to change (how's that for a disclaimer:-)


5:00 - American History through 55 years of Rock N Roll

5:00 - Alois Alzheimer's Center

6:30 - post apocalyptic fiction

7:30 - Nick Clooney (yes George's Dad) - Darfur

7:00 - True Greed C tourney

8:00 - Hell's M's meeting

9:00 - Gen-X meet and Greet

9:30 - Hearts tournaments

10:00 - kids' games for grownups

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9:00 - Mensa test

9:00 - stretching with Skinner and Yvonne

9:00 - Friends of Bill W. 

10:00 - 11:30 - Free stuff from Greg Crawford

10:00 - Nanotechnology - 1

10:00 - Eureka Ranch

10:00 - Fiendish Armchair Treasure Hunt

11:00 - Megatons to Megawatts

11:00 - 10,000 villages

11:00 - Nan Harvey and Astrology - Nan will do readings all weekend for $10
each for the Scholarship fund

12:00 - lunch

12:00 - quiz

1:00 - Pirate of the Caribbean

1:00 - Deuchre tournament

1:00 - Dusty Rhodes

2:30 - covered bridges

3:00 - Ruse Awakenings from the American Dream

3:00 - Cincinnati Ballet

4:00 - Wine tasting (bring a bottle to share!)

4:30 - Wizard tournament

5:00 - Cincinnati Zoo

6:00 - Dinner

6:30 - Euchre tournament

7:30 - German Hunting Horns - explanation with a performance at the dance.

8:00 - Ray Ray's Cool moves (dance lessons)

9:00 - Dance

9:00 - Nanotechnology - 2

11:00 - Hearts final

11:00 - Death by Dessert


9:00 - Friends of Bill W.

Noon - Awards and Announcements

Mary Lee

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Last Updated: November 13, 2006
Designer: Paulette Wilson
Copyright © 2000 - 2006 Cincinnati Area Mensa